D surprised me recently by saying she wanted to make some skeletons! I don't know where she got the idea from but I went with it and found a skeleton craft for her to try.
Black card
white paper
cotton buds
First, cut a skull shape from a piece of white paper and glue on to the black card.
Then, cut up some cotton buds in various sizes and use these to make the bones of the skeleton. Finally, you could draw a face on the skeleton.
It is my aim this year to be much more organised which is something I've never been very good at. I've always liked the idea of organising and I do find organising quite satisfying once it's done and everything looks neat and orderly. That's the key for me, it has to look aesthetically pleasing. I love to think up storage solutions and sort things into drawers and boxes but the problem is I never seem to manage to keep on top of the mess! Naturally I'm not a very tidy person, clean yes but certainly not tidy. I blame my creative streak; according to research untidy people are more creative. My mind is full to the brim of ideas that are almost overflowing into chaos. So much to do, so little time! That's how I feel usually. How can I organise these ideas and start doing more rather than just planning and dreaming them up all the time? I think I know the answer, or at least I hope I do. I need to start organising my day better. I need to make time for things, for people. I need to make better use of my time.
I wasn't at all sure where to start with organising my life better so, as I do these days, I turned to pinterest for some inspiration. I found these fabulous printables for a home binder and budget binder and decided to use these. I bought some cute folders from Wilkos and spent an evening printing off page after page and adding it to the folders.
The home binder is divided into sections; calender, meal planner, cleaning, inspiration and miscellaneous. In the calender section I have a monthly calender, weekly overview and daily planner. This may seem like a lot and time will tell if they are all necessary. I am finding it particularly useful to write a plan each day detailing what we need to do, where we need to go and if I need to buy anything or contact anyone. I write it first thing in the morning and in the evening I can take a look back and see if I've achieved everything I set out to do that day. If I didn't manage to get something done, I can just carry it over to the next day and write it in the next days plan. I have been doing this for the last two weeks so far, quite successfully. Will have to see if I manage to keep it up!
As for the budget binder, I think this will be a necessity for me this year. It is our plan to save money this year by budgeting better. The sections are really useful. At the beginning is a page or two devoted to our goals for the year, things we would like to buy or save up for and how we plan to do this. Next, comes a table where I've written down all our monthly or quarterly outgoings. Then, there are monthly expenses tables where I write down what we have spent on what each day. At the end of each month is a reflection page where we can look back at the past month and figure out what we have done well and what we have not done so well. Hopefully in a few months time we will be budgeting much better.
This year I will be organised!
Whilst we were on the topic of butterflies I had the idea of using some coloured doilies for a butterfly craft. It's very simple and easy for even very young children to get involved with.
lolly pop sticks
Start off by cutting triangles out of the top and bottom of the doilie.
Next glue a lolly pop stick in the centre to make the butterfly's body.
Finally get creative gluing some sequins on the butterfly!
I also made these little butterflies from the triangular bits I cut out. I stuck 2 together and then glued some sequins in the middle to form the body. After we stuck them to the children's wardrobe to brighten it up a bit. They were very pleased with that.
Over a year ago now we went to a nature play group which was held outdoors at the local park. It was a fantastic group because it encouraged parents and children to get outdoors no matter what the weather. It was often grey and drizzly but we put on our wellies and waterproofs and braved the weather.
There are some people who prefer not to go outside when the weather's bad but I think in England the weather is so unpredictable you really don't have a choice unless you want to stay indoors for months on end. I have to say I sometimes feel like these people, I look outside and see the clouds and think I'd rather just stay in the warm comfort of my own home. However, the children love to play outdoors no matter the weather, in fact, they relish splashing in puddles on a wet day and squelching through mud.
There are many benefits of outdoor play, aside from just getting a bit of fresh air. It is excellent for motor skill development. By running through a field, climbing a tree and actively exploring their environment they are developing their motor skills such as coordination, balance and flexibility as well as increasing their muscle strength.
A fascinating article exploring the health benefits of outdoor play mentions five main benefits; improved eye-sight, better social skills, increased attention span, reduction in stress and increased vitamin D. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that outdoor play increases intelligence! This is due to a bacteria found in soil, which can be ingested or inhaled during outdoor play, which has been found to increase learning as well as decrease anxiety.
So how can we increase outdoor play? What sort of things can we do outside? There are many things; go to the park, the beach or just out in the garden.
Play games outdoors such as cricket, football, hockey, cycling rounders...
Do some planting. If you have space in your garden, why not section a corner off for the children? Allow them to dig, plant things and learn how things grow and how to care for plants. Perhaps plant something edible so the children can eat what they have grown. Or make a fairy garden or dinosaur world out of shrubs, rocks, pools of water and sticks. The ideas are endless.
When it's hot enough play with water.
Make a den or put up a tent. My children particularly love to play in a pop up tent in the garden. They can create their own little hide out. They usually fill it with cushions, toys, books and snacks!
Play with sand.

Make a mud kitchen! Get some old pots and pans, let them make a mess and watch their imagination grow! It can be interesting to see what concoctions they come up with.
Go to the farm.
Do a treasure hunt in the garden using toys or things from nature.
Look around and discover the beauty of nature.
Use the natural resources all around you to create some wonderful nature arts and crafts. Here are a few things we have made:
A flower made out of leaves, a pipe cleaner and a short, hollowed out stick.
A crown made out of leaves stuck with double sided tape onto a piece of card.
A crown and magic wand!
It is my aim this year to spend far more time outdoors. I think we will all benefit from it. I hope to discover lots of interesting things to do outside and I hope to share them all with you! What do you like to do outside?
2014 whizzed by in a blur. I was so busy with my PhD, starting a business and writing this blog. I spent a lot of time reading and learning and planning and dreaming. It wasn't the year I'd hoped for, we had some hard times but we survived.
There was so much I wanted to write about but never quite got round to it all. Here is a look back at our year...
We started the year with our first pets, some chicks. We had high hopes for some fresh eggs but they all turned out to be cockerels!