It may be the end of February and still windy and cold, but the sun was shining brightly and looked so inviting I could hardly resist getting out to soak up some rays. We don't get that much sun here so when it comes out you really have to make the most of it. There's something about the sunshine that puts a smile on my face and leaves me feeling good.
The children, of course, could not wait to get outside. They love to run around and burn up some energy. We have a trampoline in the garden so they headed straight for it and began to jump around. As they bounced, I could hear the laughter and see the happiness in their faces.This added to my own happiness as I sat on the bench watching them play. They do play so nicely together and it's a joy to see.
After a while, D lay down for a rest. It was then she spotted the clouds. She began to take an interest in them and started to look for shapes and pictures in them.
Here she is pointing them out to me.
'I can see sweetcorn!' she suddenly exclaimed. I walked towards her wondering what she was talking about. 'Look there...sweetcorn'. Then I realised she was talking about the clouds. I'm not sure how sweetcorn-like this is to be honest, but she could see it. That's imagination for you!
Next, she found a snowman!
And a sword.
R pointed this one out to me, 'It's a banana!' he told me, excited to be joining in with what his older sister was doing. He loves to copy D, he copies EVERYTHING she does and even what she says. She is, most definitely, his role model.
This one is a knife.
R returned to his jumping.
I managed to get this great shot of him with his legs high in the air!
Here they are relaxing.
Then, I had an idea. I asked D if she would like to draw the clouds she saw. She agreed so I brought out some paper and colouring pencils and crayons and she sat happily on the bench and began to draw.
This is what she was drawing.
Can you see the resemblance? Her first still life picture, outdoors looking at the scenery. We have done some still life drawings before of objects but this is the first time we have tried it outside. A bit more difficult as the clouds are constantly moving!
Then D couldn't resist drawing another picture using her favourite colour; pink.
Next, she drew a princess, complete with added mud (it had been dropped and trodden on), we were outside after all!. She loves to draw people. On the left, she drew some sound waves! Yes, she is still fascinated with sound waves since we learnt about them recently when we were exploring the senses! It's amazing what children remember!
R decided to have a go too.
This is what he drew. It started off as the green grass in the middle and then he added all the colours which he tells me is a multicoloured sky!