I recently purchased some plastic sewing needles for the children and they were very keen to use them. Plastic seemed a good idea as it won't cause any injuries, however, it is not at all easy, perhaps impossible, to sew fabric with them (unless you make holes in the fabric first). So I decided to make some homemade threading cards for the children to use.
I cut some winter themed shapes out of white card, two snowmen and two penguins. I drew features on them and then the children helped me to punch holes around the edges. They had great fun using the hole punch!
The children helped to colour in the penguins.
Then I threaded the needles for them and left them to it!
D enjoyed this activity and easily guided the needle in and out of the holes.
R had a really good go at this. He was thoroughly excited to be given a needle to use!
D has mentioned that she would like to try sewing something out of fabric or felt, so I'm on the lookout for child friendly metal needles for her to use.
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