We are so lucky to live relatively close to Stonehenge, one of the wonders of the world. I took the children to Stonehenge for the first time last year when we were learning about the Stone Ages. It was such a good way to consolidate their learning. Field trips are good like that. In fact, there is a famous quote that states, 'It is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times' and I wholeheartedly agree. You should try and let your children learn through practical experience, where possible.
Last week we went to Stonehenge with a group of homeschoolers on a home education trip. It is always fun to go to visit such places with friends. As it was an educational trip, we got to use the educational back packs as well as have a hands on workshop where the children got to touch and explore real objects. You can see more from this video I made of our trip.
I have written some articles detailing how we learnt about the Stone Ages and Stonehenge. Here you will find lots of ideas for learning activities and arts and crafts, as well as some outdoor fun!
Learning about the Stone Age

Building a Stone Age Den

Learning about Stonehenge

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