Today was the start of Dhul al-Hijjah, the twelfth and final month of the Islamic year. It is a special time of year for Muslims and is marked by the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. This pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam so every Muslim must aim to go on Hajj at least once in their lifetime, if they are able to.
Normally, around two million Muslims attend Hajj each year but this year will be very different. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there are travel restrictions and social distancing measures in place throughout the world. This has led to limits being placed on the number of pilgrims that will be able to attend this year.
One way to make the most of this special time is to learn about it with your children. In this article I have collected links to the top 50+ fun and educational Hajj activities your children will love!
Hajj Printables
Hajj Crafts
Hajj Activities
Hajj Recipes

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